be present.
find balance.

be present.
find balance.

Welcome to Stand Counseling.

I help anxious people who live in Colorado feel present and in control of life without the fear and guilt that they are disappointing others.

Who do I work with?

My clients struggle as you do. Despite being smart, responsible, and appearing to have it all together, life can feel messy and hard.

When they first come in, they feel anxious, misunderstood, tired, and on edge. They are perfectionists who feel intense pressure to live up to expectations but their happiness, self worth and confidence are crumbling. They want better ways to manage stress and avoid burnout.

“Sarah has been a game-changer, helping me understand patterns and improve my overall well-being.”

“Sarah has been a game-changer, helping me understand patterns and improve my overall well-being.”

– current client

They feel frustrated and anxiety gets in the way of the life they want in many ways. They often overthink, second guess themselves, and feel worried about being able to control how and when anxiety shows up. It feels like their brain never shuts off and they have a hard time being alone with their thoughts and feelings. A lot of energy is spent on trying to avoid feeling anxious.

Despite doing everything right they feel like something is missing. They wonder why they feel so overwhelmed even when they are achieving goals. They often feel like an imposter and are embarrassed to fail.

They wonder why they don’t have clarity on what they want and they are afraid that everyone will discover they aren’t good enough.

They are people pleasers and worry they are pushing people away if they say “no”. Whether it’s at work or with family, they feel resigned to the needs of others. It’s easier to be the reliable one who doesn’t make waves then it is to give themselves a break. What they want is definitely not the most important thing.

You deserve to feel peace without worrying about letting down your family, partner, friends or work. You deserve to feel calm, confident, and in control of your life.

You deserve to stand up for yourself and have the life you want.

I’d love to help you get there.